Tuesday 15 December 2015

ZIMBABWE: Pastor defends ‘anointed’ condoms

Controversial pastor, Paul Sanyangore, of “anointed condoms” fame, has been asked to stop praying for condoms as this would only mislead and misinform the public.

During a heated and emotive discussion at the Condomise Campaign tent at the International Conference on Aids and STIs in Africa (ICASA), Sanyangore came under fire from the campaign organisers and participants, mostly young people who felt his stance was retrogressive in the fight against HIV and Aids.
“Please stop praying for the condoms, it misinforms the public and is totally against science,” United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) senior HIV technical advisor Bidia Deperthes said.
She argued there was no need to get the condoms blessed, adding religious leaders should not mislead congregants.
However, the 30-year-old pastor defended his actions, saying condoms were physical and when he prayed he was addressing the spiritual side.
“This woman came to a spiritual church and came to me to pray for her condoms. I can only tackle it spiritually,” Sanyangore said.
The pastor, who is also popular for other controversial miracles, said attacks on the church would only drive it away.
He boasted of a congregation of over 5 000 people, saying it was a good platform to talk about HIV and Aids.
“The church is the best social place to discuss these issues; I am tired of burying people who are dying of Aids. I have buried 10 so far, imagine by the time I get to 50,” he said. He said when he prayed for the condoms, he was addressing the spiritual side and, therefore, could not comment on their safety or efficiency.
But UNFPA chief of procurement services Eric Dupont said condoms underwent rigorous tests and were safe to use without being prayed for.
“Condoms should not be anointed. It sends a very skewered message,” he said.
A barrage of questions from the audience attacked the pastor for his actions which he consistently defended.
“I did not say condoms are not safe, neither did I say they are from the devil. Married people can sit down and decide to use them. Condoms should be used, but if people ask me to pray for them, I will,” Sanyangore said defiantly.
A representative from the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe, Albert Maqolo, who was one of the panellists, said several tests were done in accredited laboratories to ensure that condoms were safe.
Sanyangore hogged the limelight after he prayed for condoms during a service. Several women stampeded to have a box of the “anointed” condoms for use in their homes. A certain woman had approached him saying that her husband who had been away for two years after a mysterious disappearance was coming back home.

Man Shot His Mother 6 Times, Cut Her Heart Out, Then Masturbated On Her Dead Body!

A Californian son who brutally murdered his mother with a tomahawk before cutting out her heart told police killing her felt 'good.' Retired high school teacher Nailah Pettigen, 64, was discovered dead at the Fremont apartment she shared with her son on September 29 after her ex-husband became concerned he could not reach her and alerted the authorities.
Her son Omar was arrested a few days later and has today been arraigned on charges of murder and the desecration of a corpse.

The 31-year-old told detectives he had attacked his victim with a hammer and an ax, before he took a revolver out of the closet and shot her in the back multiple times, according to court documents seen by SF Gate.
He then cut open her chest and took out her heart. The killed admitted he later masturbated because 'he needed to be with himself and needed a release after the event,' according to court documents.

Chillingly, police say that Pettigen has shown no remorse for the matricide. He even popped out for a few beers with a friend after the murder.
Fremont police Detective Craig Gaches said in the court affidavit: 'I asked how he felt about his actions and he said, 'good,' Gaches stated in the affidavit. 'During the interview, Omar did not show signs of remorse by crying or being upset in any way.'

Authorities were alerted to the shocking crime after Pettigen's father Saladen became concerned he could not get in touch with his ex-wife for their frequent prayers together over the phone.

Officers arrived at at Rancho Luna Apartments in the 3000 block of Monroe to find the door unlocked and Mrs Pettigen dead on the bedroom floor. There was no sign of forced entry or a burglary.

A long incision had been made along her chest and there were multiple gunshot wounds.
An autopsy found she was shot in the head once and six times in her back. She had also been cut open. 

Pettigen claimed he had butchered his mother because 'she was killing herself with oxycodone she had become addicted to' from knee problems and hip surgeries. 
He told detectives that she they had been arguing and his Mrs Pettigen had been shouting and pointing a gun at him.
Pettigen explained that he used a hammer, which was hanging from the wall in the bedroom, to knock the gun out of her hand. 
The killer then left the room and returned with a tomahawk, a traditional North American axe, which he used to strike her around the head. 

Court documents detail how, finally, he used a revolver kept at the home to shoot his mother in the back.Detectives heard how Pettigen had cut out her heart and held it in his hands before returning it to the body. 
Family members told officers they had notice a significant change in Pettigen since he had returned from a trip Morocco a few months ago. They had also noticed that he and his mother appeared to be arguing.
Omar Malik Pettigen, was arrested in Kensington Sunday morning after police received a 911 call about a suspicious male carrying a duffel bag on the back porch of a home on Lake Drive. He has now been charged with murder and desecration of a corpse and is being held at Santa Rita Jail in Dublin without bail. American High School held a candlelight vigil in honor of the former Math teacher on Monday at St. James Episcopal Church in Fremont. Many of her friends, family and former students have been left devastated by the death of the popular teacher who retired in 2013. 'I tried to be just as good as her,' Rochelle Hooks, who worked with Pettigen for three years, told Contra Costa Times. 'I got a lot of ideas when I shared a room with her. Being a teacher, you're kind of in your own island, you don't really see what other teachers do, so sharing a room with her was a blessing.' Fremont Unified district spokesman Brian Killgore said of Pettigen: 'It takes some special employees to bridge gaps between a lot of languages, a lot of cultures, traditions, things like that.'

Artist With No Hands Creates Masterpieces

Desmond was born with no hands. It’s often called amelia. Amelia is the birth defect of lacking one or more limbs. It can also result in a shrunken or deformed limb. The term may be modified to indicate the number of legs or arms missing at birth, such as tetra-amelia for the absence of all four limbs. A related term is meromelia, which is the partial absence of a limb or limbs.

“I started painting because I was trying to solve a problem,” Desmond Blair said. “I tried writing with my feet, with my mouth, and eventually, somehow, I figured out how to write with both my hands.”

“I started painting because I was trying to solve a problem,” Desmond Blair said. “I tried writing with my feet, with my mouth, and eventually, somehow, I figured out how to write with both my hands.”

“It took me awhile, but I finally settled on painting portraits.”

But when it comes to Blair’s childhood, there’s no sugar-coating what went on or all the hard times he went through to get here. Kids can be cruel.
“I was the only one in my school, the only one in my church, the only one in my neighborhood, with a limb difference,” Blair explained. “Yeah, you’re still the kid that doesn’t have fingers, but you can still do everything everybody else can.”
And Desmond set out to prove that early on. And he surpassed everyone’s expectations.
Desmond excelled at school and graduated high school early at the age of 16. After the the completion of his undergrad degree at the University of Texas in 2007, Desmond began work in the Media Department at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. Desmond’s responsibilities at the hospital included the timely production of print graphics such as logos, T-shirt designs, brochures, presentation graphics and photo re-touching. He was also responsible for…
…photographing hospital activities, staff, and patients. During this time he also taught film and editing to a local group of high school students at the South Dallas Cultural Center’s Summer Arts Program. He then went back to school to get his Masters in Fine Arts in 2009–accomplishing all of this while having no hands.
And from every experience, whether good or bad, or every strange stare, Desmond can smile each and every day because he knows who he is and his purpose.

“All of that stuff, I just put it on a canvas and that’s my personal reminder to get up every day and kill it. I don’t think disabled, I think different.”
On his websites, Blair sums up what he is and what he will be perfectly:
“I am an Artist and problem solver. The two attributes go hand in hand. Speaking of which, I was born without hands. However, that has not stopped me or slowed me down in anyway. I have a spirit or fire. ( Although I think it could just be my grandmother’s stubborness.) I am determined, driven, and I will make my way into history by becoming one of the GREATEST artists in the world with a difference (not disability).”

Man who ate his wife's boiled corpse sentenced 15 years to life in prison

 The California chef who killed his wife and cooked her corpse in boiling water was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison Friday.
Acting as his own lawyer, David Viens gave a rambling 40-minute speech during the court session in Los Angeles. He said the story he told police about stewing the cadaver was a lie — and that he deserved a new trial.
"I loved my wife. I didn't cook my wife," he told the judge, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The judge didn't buy it.
In two separate police interviews played for jurors during trial, Viens described how he bound and gagged his wife's mouth, feet and hands with duct tape so he could sleep in peace back in October 2009. He found her lifeless four hours later, he claimed.
He previously told Los Angeles County sheriff's detectives that he placed the body of 39-year-old Dawn Viens in a 55-gallon drum filled with water and left her to simmer for four days in his restaurant near Long Beach, the Thyme Contemporary Café.

David Viens, 49, later claimed he wasn't thinking clearly when made the startling confession in early 2011.
He had just leaped off an 80-foot cliff in Rancho Palos Verdes as police closed in and was on pain medication following surgery for his injuries, he said.
Prosecutors called him a "manipulator" with a long history of drug crimes.
Dawn Viens was last seen on Oct. 18, 2009. Her body was never found.
The couple's marriage was falling apart at the time of the murder, according to trial testimony.
Dawn told a friend her husband was physically abusive. Another friend heard David say he wanted to "kill that b----."
He later claimed Dawn stormed off after an argument and never returned. Not long after that, he started dating a 23-year-old waitress who eventually moved in with him.
His plot began to unravel when David drunkenly told his daughter from a prior marriage what really happened, the daughter testified at trial.
He confessed to tying Dawn up and said she apparently choked on her own vomit, the daughter told jurors.
He purportedly told the daughter that investigators would never find the body and asked her to send a text message from Dawn's phone to a friend.
"This is Dawn. I'm OK. I'm in Florida and I'm here to start over," the message read, according to the daughter's testimony.
David Viens eventually learned that his daughter spoke to investigators. He jumped off the cliff after he was confronted by Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies and gave the chilling account of cooking her remains shortly afterward.
"I cooked her four days, I let her cool, I strained it out," he reportedly said.

Source: NYdailynews

Horrific Accounts By Yazidi Women Reveal How ISIS Militants Gang-Raped Them In Public

Gang-raped and tortured in full public view, Yazidi women have shared horrific accounts of their nightmare after their release from Sinjar, a small village in northern Iraq.

Hundreds of Yazidi women and children were taken hostage by ISIS militants nearly eight months ago where they were subjected to horrific physical and mental torture. While some women were sold as 'sex slaves' to fighters, others were awarded as 'prizes'. And many were tortured and forced to convert into Islam.

ISIS released over 200 women earlier this week in Himera, near Kirkurk. Shammo Khalaf, a representative of the Yazda organization working for the welfare of the Yazidi victims, has revealed that the abducted children were separated from their mothers and sold among households as 'gifts' in Tal Afar and Mosul.

Khalaf told the International Business Times, "If you come and sit with the girls you will find different stories from girl to girl. A lot of them have been sold to Isis fighters, they have been raped in [...] public, and by more than two or three people at a time. They were tortured, beaten and subject to any type of violence."

An 87-page report released by Amnesty International in November 2014 cites the many savage acts that the Yazidi women were subjugated into. 
ISIS has defended their acts - in an article they published in Dabiq which is their propaganda magazine - of torture against Yazidis by using theological rulings of Islam. But researchers believe that a lot of supporters didn't have a clue about the ISIS torture of Yazidi women until after the article was published.

Source: indiatimes


Nineteen African countries have been named as part of an international military alliance led by Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism. They are Benin, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia.
In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia's regional rival Iran has been excluded why?
BBC's Audrey Brown spoke to Mallam Muhd Kaddam Sidiq Isa, a Nigerian political analyst based in Dubai.
The cardinal question now is this; when was the bill presented, debated and passed at the National Assembly to enable Saint Buhari drag us into this avoidable jihadist army??.
Nigeria is a secular state by virtue of the constitution.
During his campaign, Buhari told us he has changed from his extremist viewpoint and standpoint; please can someone tell me what the hell is going on as we are on the verge of being declared a militant Islamic nation.

Monday 14 December 2015

BREAKING: Comedian and Comic Nollywood Actor Dede One Day Is dead

The Aba born Comedian died in the early hours of Monday  after performing on an event yesterday.

PUO REPORTS Learnt that the comic Actor died of Highblood pressure.

"One Day anchored a program for One Mr Charles Esonu yesterday in Aba, from there he went to Ugwunagbo for another event he was paid to anchor as Master of ceremony , but he couldn't conclude that event as he fail sick and was rushed to hospital over BP related issue and he died late in the Night" a Source said.

Dede One Day who came to limelight through Comedy like Laugh With Me ventured into Nollywood some years ago and was able  to made a nitch in the Entertainment industry 

Source: PUO reports 

A 28-Day-Old Baby Was Allegedly Raped By A 25-Year-Old Man, This Is What Humanity Has Come To!!!

UPDATE: A post by a journalist Deepika Narayan Bharadwaj has surfaced. Deepika claims she spoke to the SP Office Bulandshahar and SHO Khurja. She claims that one Mr RK Sharma told her: "The injuries on the child's vagina were of nature that can happen even because of wiping with a cloth." Her post goes on to say "No penetrative assault has happened at all." However, Indiatimes has been unable to independently verify the claims in the post. We will update the story when we do.
Horrific as it may sound, impossible as it may seem or disgusting as it feels, some nightmares ghoulishly turn to reality.

Such is the case of the parents of a 28-day-old infant, from Bullandshahr in UP, who found their child in agony and bleeding profusely when they returned from voting in their local elections.
The infant was was allegedly raped by a 25-year-old man in village Asif Nagla, under Khurja Dehat Police Station.
The incident took place on Saturday when parents of the 28-days-old girl child had gone to cast their vote for Gram Pradhan elections, SP (Rural) Pankaj Pandey said.
On Sunday the victim was taken to a government hospital in Khurja by the parents where doctors seeing her condition referred to higher care centre, police said.
An FIR against one Namino (25) of the same village has been lodged by the infant's father, Mukesh, police said adding that the accused is absconding.
But this poses a disturbing question to all of us? How can such dreadful incident even happen. How can such inhumane and animalistic cruelty even exist!
Next time you talk about the direction of human evolution highway, maybe this incident will be one of the roadside wrecks your conciense  will mention.

Source: indiatimes

A 51 year old Saudi man and his 6 year old wife

Muslim Imam: “Muslims have the RIGHT to KILL anyone who does Not Respect Islam”

A video recently surfaced of an interview with a so-called “moderate” Muslim cleric on a Norwegian TV show. The video has gone viral because it shows an Islamic leader in the West being honest about what Islam teaches when it comes to non-Muslims.
In response to questions about Muslim violence against non-Muslims, Mullah Krekar tells Norwegian TV that not only is it okay for Muslims to kill non-Muslims, it’s actually required by Qu’ranic law. Further the imam says that “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”
Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?
Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.
Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?
Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.
Regardless if he lives in Norway, or if he is Barack Obama, I am not myself threatening the person.
I am telling you what is stated in the law.
I have told you what is in the Koran and in the Hadith.
I have not pointed at one specific person and said “You, we must kill.”
Host: One of those who burned a Koran is afraid because somebody who listens to you might want to kill him, because you have said that is the punishment according to the Koran. Isn’t there the risk that somebody would listen to you?
Mullah Krekar: He must fear… anybody who follows the Koran… will have to fear the crime he has committed and fear that his punishment will be executed…
Anybody who knows of this punishment can kill him. Anybody. We will defend out religion with our own blood. Our only limits are limits of blood, limits made of explosives.
Those who insult our religion must know that one of us will die. Those who insult our religion and our honor must understand – that this is a matter of life and death.
Host: Would you be satisfied if this man gets killed?
Mullah Krekar: Yes. I would send a gift to the person who kills him. Why wouldn’t I be happy about that?
Host: How would you describe those who attacked Charlie Hebdo?
Mullah Krekar: They were defending their honor, they were defending their holiness… Yes, of course {they were heroes}. They were Jihadists.

Click here for Video: https://youtu.be/Vp_1JvRsCYE

Source: supremepatriot

How to be Perfect “friends with benefits”

When we want to have no-strings sex with someone, it should be straightforward. If two people are attracted to each other, and they agree to scratch the proverbial itch, why shouldn’t it be simple?
Here’s where the confusion seems to arise. Clearly I’ve been mistaken in thinking that most men dream about finding a gorgeous woman who just wants to f*** him senseless every now and again. No hours on the phone in the evenings, no picking out towel sets and definitely no test-driving a four-door family runabout – just sex. Because it’s convenient, it’s fun and it’s (apparently) simple. When an opportunity like this presents itself, what games are there to possibly play?
In order to maintain said arrangement for as long as it feels satisfying, all you have to do is remain in touch to orchestrate these occasional encounters, while throwing in the odd text every now again to keep the fires burning and add to the anticipation.
Text sex, as we know, is all the rage. Suggestive, cleverly worded messages will drive her wild and a picture of her in some new underwear ought to leave just enough to your imagination to have you booking a room before you’ve even thought of a reply. It’s all part of the glorious “f*** buddy” package. By the time you manage to meet again, you’ll be barely through the hotel doors before she’s all over you, soaking wet, her mini-skirted legs wrapped around you and your cock begging for release from your trousers.
Alas, that one vital thing that this whole arrangement relies on seems to pose a problem for a whole lot of men, who like to go quiet at the most inopportune moments. Instead of being reliable, they like to go from being hotter than summer in South Beach to suddenly being aloof and freezing cold, thereby sending a woman to cloudy Coventry for days on end. Men who seem to ignore any communication offered to them and preferring to seem, well, miserable and ignorant.
Imagine: you’ve had some of the most amazing sex of your whole life, that much being mutually expressed quite openly at the time. It makes only good sense therefore, to have another rendezvous or three. You’re gagging to see this person again – the thought of your last get together and every position, every orgasm, every minute is burned into your memory – why, pray tell, would you react to that with indifference?
A man isn’t that dim that he can overlook a picture message of some damn fine lingerie on an even finer body or fail to notice an e-mail telling him pretty plainly what she’d like to do to him. While he’s playing hard to get, she, confused and frustrated, is led to the only possible conclusion: that she’s being rejected. He on the other hand, probably thinks that his resistance to her invitations is turning her on! Sure enough, after he’s waited, he thinks she’ll come running again when he clicks his fingers. Sometimes, in her foolishness and sheer sexual frustration, she will. But if he thinks the sex will be even half as hot as it would have been had he not irritated her and dented her delicate, female ego, he’s sadly mistaken.
You see, there’s a definite and distinct difference between the classic “playing hard to get” and going so far off the radar that she starts checking the obituaries. Besides (and this might come as a real surprise), if you cast any kind of negativity on a scenario like this, she’ll forgive you nothing. If you don’t go down on her like you make a living from it, she’ll use it as an excuse to never see you again. Similarly, if you’re not the lucky owner of at least a nine-inch cock, it might finally be her reason to find someone else to play with. No, we’re not that unreasonable, we’re just proud and not keen on being left hanging. So when you’re too sexy for us to tear ourselves away from without a really good reason, we’ll make some reasons up.
It must be a fallacy that men tire of women complicating things because lately I see and hear of nothing but the opposite. My most insightful and sexually undecided friend put it to me that perhaps men have softened. I have considered this theory to the point where I ask: have we suffered a complete U-turn of sexual gender roles, and do men now feel resentful at being a woman’s plaything? Does it, God forbid, challenge their masculinity?
I’d really like to think not. I’d like to think that as women who know what we want and how to get it, we can rely on you lot to deliver and join us on a hedonistic quest, without you thinking of ways to gain the upper hand. If I’m over-complicating things myself, do forgive me – I’m merely assuming there’s some kind of logic behind your reluctance to communicate.
If you think women are guilty of the same crimes, take note: when she plays hard to get, she’s just not that into you. It’s not a game, it’s a sign. Having said that, this no-strings thing can be a kind of game, because make no mistake: it does rely on a certain sense of the “when and where”. But the “will or won’t”? That’s just irritating and not even worth the frustration. Eventually, she’ll give up and move on: in her book he’ll be an unreliable bore and both of them will have lost out on some truly incredible sex.

Source: Wordpress


This is the method to improve the view that ophthalmologists do not want to share with us. If you feel your eyesight is not as before, read the following article and follow the steps below.

The eye muscles need to be exercised in order to keep the eyesight clear.
We will give you some beneficial exercise which will help you maintain healthy visual sight:
  1. Every three hours close your eyes for a minute to rest your eyes.
  2. Do exercises to improve eyesight daily.
  3. Make an eyesight juice (made from carrot).
  4. If you use lenses take them off in few hours.
  5. Make daily massage.
  6. When you’re bathing wash your eyes with warm water.
  7. Leave the computer for at least two hours before bedtime.
8. Focus your view on one point a few minutes a day. If it bothers you sight or irritates your eyes and make them cry, close them.
Source: Health Lifestyle Team

12-year-old will be charged as an adult with first-degree murder for 'shooting dead 31-year-old drug dealer'

  Jarrell Milton, 12, was arrested Tuesday night in Minneapolis, Minnesota 
The pre-teen had been missing ever since the June 29 shooting of a 31-year-old drug dealer in his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska 
Investigators believe Jarrell, his 17-year-old brother and a 15-year-old friend lured Jamymell Ray to a park and then shot him dead 
The three are also accused of shooting Charles Fisher, 30, in the attack, which prosecutors believe was gang related 
Prosecutors say they plan to charge all three suspects as adults

A 12-year-old boy wanted for the murder of a 31-year-old drug dealer has been arrested, after more than a week on the run.

Pre-teen fugitive Jarrell Milton was arrested Tuesday night in Minneapolis, Minnesota - nearly 400 miles from the Omaha, Nebraska park where suspected drug dealer Jamymell Ray was gunned down in broad daylight on June 29.

Prosecutors said Wednesday that they plan to charge Jarrell and two teen accomplices with first-degree murder as adults. 

'All three suspects had guns. There were shell casings from two different types of guns at the scene,' Douglas County District Attorney Don Kleine said, adding that the victim was shot at close range.

Authorities have not yet revealed how the 12-year-old got to Minnesota, or whether anyone will face charges for helping the boy get there.

However, it has been revealed that the boy's father, Javaris Milton, has lived in the state.

WOWT reports that Jarrell's mother Iyanna Moss was convicted for felony assault when he was a toddler. When she went to prison, Jarrell and his six other siblings were sent to live in an Omaha foster home, while their father was living in Minnesota. It's unclear if Milton is still currently living in the state.

I Bet After Reading This You’ll Never Throw Away These Bags Again… (#4 Is My Favorite)

The silica gel bags we often find in shoe boxes usually end up in the trash, just because we believe they’re completely useless and even toxic.
However, the truth is that there is no poison in them whatsoever. They are filled with a substance called silicon dioxide which shouldn’t be eaten but it can be very useful around the house. They’re a non-toxic inert desiccant that will dry out anything around them. Here is how you can use them:
  1. Put them in your gym bag
These bags’ main purpose is to absorb the extra moisture and protect your shoes. Bacteria mostly thrive in damp and moist environments so they can help you eliminate the dampness and germs from your gym bag. They can also eliminate the foul odor.
  1. Put them between towels
Prevent your towels from getting damp and smelling unpleasantly by putting a few of these in the towel cabinet.
  1. Make your razors last longer
Instead of leaving your razor around in the bath where it’s always wet put it in a plastic container with a few silica bags inside. It will make it last longer.
  1. Save your drowned phone
When your phone drops in water and gets all wet instead of putting it in a jar of rice try the same with silica bags. Fill a jar with them and put your mobile in, it will be much more effective.
  1. No more foggy car windows
I most definitely adore this one, since foggy car windows cause me a lot of problems especially in this damp weather season. This goes to all you drivers out there; it’s a true lifesaver in the winter. Instead of waiting for the air conditioning to do its job, which in older car models can take forever, put a bunch of these silica gel bags under your windshield from the inside immediately. You’ll see that tomorrow your windows won’t be foggy. It’s the fastest way to stop your windows from fogging up and you’ll save yourself the 10 extra minutes needed to clean them up.
  1. Save your old photos
Old photos usually deteriorate with time, which is really sad because they are the sole reminders of our past and are quite dear to our hearts. Put a couple of silica gel bags in your box of old photos to save them from the dampness that can ruin them.
  1. Save your make up
Every women needs to have a bag or two of silica gel in her make up purse to stop the powdery make up from curdling.
There you have it, 7 fun and useful tips which can make your life easier. Next time you buy something with silica gel bags in it don’t throw them away, they can be quite useful. Can you think of another way you can use these bags, maybe you’re already using them for something we haven’t mentioned? Please share your thoughts and ideas, we can all learn something new.