UPDATE: A post by a journalist Deepika Narayan Bharadwaj has surfaced. Deepika claims she spoke to the SP Office Bulandshahar and SHO Khurja. She claims that one Mr RK Sharma told her: "The injuries on the child's vagina were of nature that can happen even because of wiping with a cloth." Her post goes on to say "No penetrative assault has happened at all." However, Indiatimes has been unable to independently verify the claims in the post. We will update the story when we do.
Horrific as it may sound, impossible as it may seem or disgusting as it feels, some nightmares ghoulishly turn to reality.
Such is the case of the parents of a 28-day-old infant, from Bullandshahr in UP, who found their child in agony and bleeding profusely when they returned from voting in their local elections.
The infant was was allegedly raped by a 25-year-old man in village Asif Nagla, under Khurja Dehat Police Station.
The incident took place on Saturday when parents of the 28-days-old girl child had gone to cast their vote for Gram Pradhan elections, SP (Rural) Pankaj Pandey said.
On Sunday the victim was taken to a government hospital in Khurja by the parents where doctors seeing her condition referred to higher care centre, police said.
An FIR against one Namino (25) of the same village has been lodged by the infant's father, Mukesh, police said adding that the accused is absconding.
But this poses a disturbing question to all of us? How can such dreadful incident even happen. How can such inhumane and animalistic cruelty even exist!
Next time you talk about the direction of human evolution highway, maybe this incident will be one of the roadside wrecks your conciense will mention.
Source: indiatimes
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